I. Introduction

The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program is a United States government initiative that provides funding and support to small businesses in the development of innovative technologies. One of the key components of this program is the Technology Analysis & Application Branch (TABA), which offers various services and resources to help businesses in the commercialization of their innovations. In this blog, we'll provide a comprehensive introduction to the SBIR TABA program for technology-minded individuals interested in gaining a better understanding of this important resource.

II. Importance of SBIR and TABA

Small businesses play a crucial role in the US economy, contributing significantly to job creation and economic growth. These enterprises are also essential for driving innovation and technological advancement, as they often possess the agility, creativity, and entrepreneurial spirit required for groundbreaking research and development.

The SBIR and TABA programs recognize the importance of supporting small businesses in their pursuit of innovative solutions, providing them with the resources and assistance needed to bring their ideas to market. By fostering a supportive ecosystem for small business innovation, these programs contribute to the overall competitiveness and prosperity of the US economy.


The primary objectives of the SBIR TABA program are to help small businesses:

  1. Identify and evaluate potential applications for their innovative technologies
  2. Develop strategies for commercialization
  3. Access resources and expertise to support their growth and success

To achieve these objectives, TABA provides a range of assistance and services that are tailored to the specific needs of each business. Eligible applicants include small businesses that have received an SBIR Phase I or Phase II award within the past five years or are currently working on an SBIR-funded project.

IV. TABA Services

TABA offers comprehensive support across various aspects of technology commercialization. Some of the key services provided by TABA include:

V. Application Process

To apply for TABA assistance, businesses must submit a proposal that outlines their innovative technology, target market, commercialization strategy, and specific requests for TABA support. The application process typically involves the following steps: